Edition and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge

The UICISA: E strategic axis for the edition and dissemination of scientific knowledge, in line with the Open Science policies, aims to disseminate scientific knowledge in nursing, as well as develop and make available knowledge and resources that increase the quality of the processes of dissemination of the knowledge produced by researchers.

The edition of the Revista de Enfermagem Referência, indexed to Scopus, the edition of books and other scientific communication materials in Open Access, and the integration of UICISA: E/ESEnfC as a Cooperating Center Coordinator of the Portugal Nursing Virtual Health Library (VHL) are all factors that promote the development of networks, infrastructures, knowledge, and methodologies that facilitate the sharing of scientific knowledge among researchers.


  • To publish the indexed scientific journal Revista de Enfermagem Referência, as well as books and other scientific communication materials;
  • To coordinate and integrate networks, infrastructures, and national groups for the dissemination of scientific knowledge produced in the field of ​​nursing, specifically the Portugal Nursing Virtual Health Library (VHL);
  • To participate in national and international networks, infrastructures, and groups to develop the knowledge of scientific publishing and dissemination and open science, specifically the OPENAire network;
  • To provide mentorship to researchers on the dissemination of research outcomes;
  • To organize moments of knowledge sharing within the framework of the publication and dissemination of scientific knowledge and Open Science;
  •  To offer training in the area of ​ publication and dissemination of scientific knowledge and Open Science.

Teen dating violence from the perspective of gender and generation: A multicenter study - Monograph nº 18
Hygiene and comfort: from task to humanitude caring - Monograph nº 17
A psycodynamic approach of psychologie and other approaches - Monograph nº 16
Rehabilitation nursing – Results of research - Monograph nº 15
Rehabilitation nursing - Research paths - Monograph nº 14
Elderly health care nursing - Monograph nº 13
Students' health in higher nursing education - context study at the nursing school of Coimbra - Monograph nº 12
Ageing, health and citizenship - Monograph nº 11
Mais Contigo - mental health promotion and prevention of suicidal behaviours within the educational community - Monograph nº 9
Psychology in health-related contexts: from understanding to intervention - Monograph nº 7
Quality assurance progression at the Nursing School of Coimbra - Monograph nº 6
Preventing dating violence: (IM)PERFECT DATING - Do diferently to make a difference - Monograph nº 5
Change process in healthcare organizations - Monograph nº 4
Management in healthcare organizations - Monograph nº 3
PEER IV Escola de Verão em Educação pelos Pares & Investigação Acção Participativa em Saúde - Monograph nº 2
Enfermagem: de Nightingale aos dias de hoje 100 anos - Monograph nº 1

+5 Anos, +100 Dissertações - 2021
Prevenção de comportamentos suicidários: contributos da investigação - 2018
Síntese da evidência no contexto da translação da ciência - 2017
Liderança e seus efeitos - 2017
Gestão de pessoas nas organizações - 2017
BURNOUT, TRAUMAS NO TRABALHO E ASSÉDIO MORAL: estudos empíricos e reflexões conceptuais - 2017
5 Anos, 100 Dissertações - 2016

Ciência e Reflexões sobre o Cuidar em Pandemia Covid 19
A Transição para a Reforma em Reformados Portugueses
A Transição para a Reforma em Casais Portugueses
REATIVA: programa promotor de um envelhecimento ativo

JBI European Symposium 2021/SPIDER Multiplier Event - nº 7/sV - 2021
III Congresso Internacional Desafios da Qualidade em Instituições de Ensino Superior - nº 19/sIV - 2018
3rd International Congress on Rehabilitation Nursing - nº 16/sIV - 2018
3rd International Symposium of ANHE and the 1st Symposium on the History of Nursing of the ESEnfC - nº 15/sIV - 2017
1st International Congress on Child Health and Pediatric Nursing – Research, Knowledge, and Clinical Practice - nº 13/sIV - 2017
5th Congress on Nursing Research of Ibero-American and Portuguese-speaking Countries - 2016