The five UICISA: E Strategic Axes provide a crosscutting combination of specific and specialized measures, techniques, resources, methodologies, and organization that support research teams during the implementation of their R&D projects and activities.

The research teams are able to improve the quality of their R&D activities 

Extension and Citizen Involvement

Extension and citizen involvement is a strategic axis of UICISA: E that is dedicated to the active participation of citizens in scientific activities and technological development. It aims to promote research that is more relevant and better adapted to the real needs of society by encouraging the active involvement and participation of citizens (whether they are users or not) in discussions and processes related to scientific research and technological development.


To create an environment that encourages citizens to get involved so that they can actively contribute to the research projects developed by UICISA: E.

Experimental and Applied Research in Health Care Technologies (TecCare)

The UICISA: E development strategic axis for Experimental and Applied Research in Health Care Technologies (TecCare) aims to increase research in healthcare technologies in order to promote laboratory intensity. The continuous promotion of innovation in healthcare is ensured by bringing together and coordinating academia, clinical contexts, technological and industrial partners, health professionals, and the population.  The collaboration and coordination with the ESEnfC Entrepreneurship Office are also crucial to the achievement of the intended objectives.

Edition and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge

The UICISA: E strategic axis for the edition and dissemination of scientific knowledge, in line with the Open Science policies, aims to disseminate scientific knowledge in nursing, as well as develop and make available knowledge and resources that increase the quality of the processes of dissemination of the knowledge produced by researchers.

The edition of the Revista de Enfermagem Referência, indexed to Scopus, the edition of books and other scientific communication materials in Open Access, and the integration of UICISA: E/ESEnfC as a Cooperating Center Coordinator of the Portugal Nursing Virtual Health Library (VHL) are all factors that promote the development of networks, infrastructures, knowledge, and methodologies that facilitate the sharing of scientific knowledge among researchers.

Researchers’ Training and Pedagogical Innovation

The UICISA: E strategic axis for researchers’ training and pedagogical innovation aims to promote the training of researchers, from initiation to advanced research, through the development and implementation of innovative pedagogical strategies.

The principal investigators of research projects are available to host students, including international students (from initiation to advanced research) through research rotations. The students are supervised according to an individual research work plan and can receive (upon application) research grants to facilitate the development of their research work plan. The UICISA: E is also committed to integrating early career researchers into permanent career positions.

Evidence-Based Practice

The UICISA: E strategic axis for evidence-based practice aims to provide research teams with specific and specialized measures, techniques, resources, methodologies, and organization for evidence synthesis, implementation and transfer during the implementation of their R&D projects and activities.

The Portugal Centre for Evidence Based Practice: a JBI Centre of Excellence operates within this axis. Its aim is to promote evidence-informed healthcare by working within the international JBI network for evidence synthesis, transfer and implementation (for more information about the Portugal Centre for Evidence Based Practice see