Effect of the Portuguese version of the health game Fume on health literacy about tobacco from children and adolescents

Tobacco use is directly and indirectly responsible for millions of deaths globally and is therefore considered to be a serious public health problem today. However, despite the efforts and actions that have been developed in the context of prevention of consumption, epidemiological data indicate that intakes continue to begin in adolescence, a stage in which the brain is in particular development.

In this sense, in view of this problem and the fact that the young people present a strong adhesion to the new technologies, it was tried to know if there was some health game that allowed to ally the prevention of the consumption of tobacco. After a research, it was possible to perceive the existence of one of the health game, Fume, which was developed by Parisod et al. (2017) in Finland.

The translation and cultural adaptation of the health game Fume, which will be carried out in accordance with internationally recommended methodological procedures, is considered relevant and aims to evaluate the effect of the Portuguese version of the game, with regard to health literacy of children and adolescents in school settings on tobacco-related issues.

For the evaluation of the effect of the Portuguese version of the health game Fume, a pre-test and post-test will be performed, with a convenience sample divided by an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). All the ethical procedures inherent to this type of study will be followed.


Adapt, culturally and for pre-adolescents, and validate for the Portuguese population instruments that evaluate anti-smoking self-efficacy and expectations about smoking. To evaluate the effect of the translated Portuguese version of the health game Fume (Parisod et al., 2017), with regard to health literacy on the tobacco-related issues of children and adolescents in school settings.

  • University of Turku, Finland
  • Expected results

    The health variable Fume is considered as an independent variable, whose effects are intended to analyze the variables considered as dependent: anti-smoking self-efficacy and tobacco health literacy.

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