
In Thematic Line 1 (TL1), the research and knowledge translation is coordinated and given direction on the education of health professionals, with a particular focus on nurses, and the development of nursing as a discipline.

The TL1 encompass two research areas:

- nursing education, including at the interprofessional and collaborative levels, aggregating the studies focused on innovative educational strategies, such as simulation and clinical supervision.

- development of nursing as a discipline, including the historical evolution, onto-epistemology, and identity of nursing.

TL1 projects aim to investigate and transfer knowledge about:

− Innovative and student-centered educational strategies. This includes the study of didactic and pedagogical innovation in nursing education and interprofessional education, specifically on high-fidelity simulation, medium-fidelity simulation, low-fidelity simulation, virtual reality, augmented reality, clinical supervision, e-learning, b-learning, role-playing, flipped classroom, team-based learning, case-based learning, gamification, standardized patients;

− The history and onto-epistemology of nursing from a transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and disciplinary perspective. Historical and onto-epistemological research allows the philosophical questioning of the discipline's domain and the delimitation of its object. Consequently, the results of this research guide the production of scientific knowledge of nursing;

− The social recognition of the profession, particularly how the nursing profession is perceived within broader social contexts and including its evolution over time.

The objective of TL1 research is to contribute to the advancement of nursing and healthcare through the production and application of knowledge related to the development of nursing as a discipline and the promotion of meaningful, quality nursing education with effective learning outcomes, specifically in terms of critical judgment and decision-making. Moreover, the contributions of historical, onto-epistemological, and nursing identity research can inform and inspire pedagogical innovation in nursing education. By understanding the evolution of the profession and the foundations of nursing knowledge, educators can develop contextualized, relevant, and effective teaching approaches.
